What is the cookie policy of Quicktext?

Cookies management policy for Quicktext chatbot

Quicktext takes the protection of personal data very seriously and wishes to explain clearly and
transparently how and why it collects, processes, stores and uses your personal data.

The present cookie management policy (hereinafter the "Management Policy") is offered by
Quicktext , a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of €120,000, registered with the
Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 488 865 619, and whose registered office is
located at the following address: 64, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011, Paris (hereinafter the
The present Management Policy informs you about the deposit and use of cookies present on
the Quicktext chatbot application (hereinafter "Quicktext"): published by the Company.


In accordance with Article 82 of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as
amended, and in application of the provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of July 12, 2002 concerning the processing of personal data
and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector and Organic Law No.
2004-63 of July 27, 2004 on the protection of personal data during processing, your consent
as a User must be obtained prior to any action aimed at storing information or accessing
information stored in your terminal equipment.

Following the provisions of Articles 4(11) and 7 of the RGPD relating to the conditions
applicable to consent, the CNIL adopted Deliberation no. 2020-091 of September 17, 2020
adopting guidelines relating to the application of Article 82 of the amended January 6, 1978
Act to read and write operations in a user's terminal (in particular to "cookies and other
tracers"), as well as Deliberation no. 2020-092 of September 17, 2020 adopting a
recommendation proposing practical methods of compliance in the event of recourse to
"cookies and other tracers", presenting in particular examples and best practices of concrete
methods of collecting consent and implementing tracers not subject to it.


Cookies are small files containing textual information, generally consisting of letters and
numbers. They are deposited on your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) via your
browser, by the website or chatbot you are visiting.
This operation enables your devices to be recognized as soon as a connection is established
between the Site's server and your browser. The main purpose of a cookie is simply to enable
the Site's server to adapt the content of Internet pages to your personal preferences, in order
to personalize your visit to the Site.

Quicktext uses several types of cookies:

- Session cookies: these are temporary cookies stored in your browser's cookie file until you
close it. These cookies are required for certain applications or functions of the Site to function

- Persistent cookies: the Site may use persistent cookies to improve your experience (e.g. by
providing optimized navigation). These cookies remain in the cookie file of your browser for a
longer period of time. The length of time they are retained depends on your browser's
configuration settings. Persistent cookies enable information to be transmitted to a web server
each time a person visits the Site, and can be used in particular to remember your preferences
and choices for a website, or to target advertising. Persistent cookies are also known as
tracking cookies.

- Internal cookies: these cookies are installed by the Site at the time of your visit in order to
improve your experience.

- Third-party cookies: these cookies are installed by third parties who may be the Company's
partners. A third-party cookie is a file integrated via a browser by a site other than the one you
are visiting, in order to store information locally and track your browsing on several sites. These
cookies are not hosted on the Site.

These cookies are classified according to several types: necessary cookies used for technical
purposes, audience measurement cookies, advertising cookies, social network sharing
cookies, etc.


Cookies are used for different purposes:

- Strictly necessary cookies: these are essential to the operation of QUICKTEXT and
enable you to access secure areas such as your reservation, your personal space, etc.

- Analytical or performance cookies: these cookies enable the Company to monitor the
use and performance of the Site and to improve its operation. None of these cookies
are placed by Quicktext.

- Functional cookies: these remember the choices you make to improve your experience
on Quicktext.
They are used, for example, to recognize you when you return to the partner hotel's
site, to remember the choices you have made, the items you have put in your basket,
etc., and to provide enhanced, personalized information about your preferences and
consumption habits.

- Advertising cookies: these cookies collect information about your browsing habits in
order to present you with advertising tailored to your interests. No advertising cookies
are placed by Quicktext.


The cookies placed on the Site by Quicktext are the following:

Cookie name Cookie type Persistent or
Domain Duration Purpose
_t Required Persistent
  1 year old Contains a unique token
to identify the widget
user. Without this value,
you won't get your
previous conversations.
_c Required Session cookie   1 day Defaults to "no", to help
redirect new widget
users to the introduction
form. Without this value,
you will be redirected to
the introduction form...



The cookies used on the Site collect the following personal data:
- IP address ;
- Web browser ;
- Date and time of visit;


We only use persistent cookies using the localStorage API for the purposes set out below:

- Essential cookies :
Connected Defaults to "no", to help redirect new widget users to the introduction form.
Without this value, you will be redirected to the introduction form.
Settings Contains a cached copy of the widget's specifications and settings (color, position,
etc.) for a given hotel. Without this Value, the widget will request the settings each time it is
token Contains a unique token to identify the widget user. Without this value, you won't be
able to find your previous conversations.
local Contains the IP, country and country code of the widget user's phone. Without this
value, the widget will request the local information each time it is loaded. Every time it loads.
currentPages Contains the pages in which the widget currently appears. Without this value,
the widget may encounter problems when opened simultaneously on different tabs or

- Functionality Cookies :
History  Contains the last pages visited by the widget user whose widget contains a specific
host name.
soundPlayed Default "no", to prevent the widget from repeating the Beep on each page.
isPopupClosed Default "no", to prevent the widget from reopening the popup once the
client closes it.
isWidgetOpened Default "no", to help remember whether the widget is closed or open, and
maintain the same state across pages.


This Management Policy is subject to change. The Company therefore advises you to consult this
page regularly. The Company will notify you of any significant changes to the Management Policy.


# Cookies Policy
Our Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally
Identifies a user, but personal information that we store about You may
be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. For
further information on how We use, store, and keep your personal data
secure, see our [Privacy Policy](https://www.quicktext.im/privacy-policy /).

**We do not store sensitive personal information**, such as credit card
numbers, account passwords, etc. in the Cookies We use.
**We encrypt** all stored data using AES (Advanced Encryption
Standard), and **we do not share** any kind of information with any
form of companies or organizations, not for a lucrative neither non lucrative reason.

## The use of the Cookies
**We use only localStorage API**. So, the data won't be sent back to
the server with every HTTP request. Also, the user has the ability to
clear the browser data/cache to erase all localStorage data.

## Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Cookies Policy, You can contact us:
By email: hello@quicktext.im
By visiting this page on our website: https://www.quicktext.im/contact/


For further information on the use of cookies, please consult the CNIL website.



The data is securely stored in Microsoft Azure's West Europe-Netherlands location at Evert van de Beekstraat 354, 1118 CZ Luchthaven Schiphol, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


If you have any questions about this Management Policy and the use of cookies on the Site,
you can contact our Data Protection Officer at the following e-mail address:
privacy@quicktext.im or by post at the following postal address: Délégué à la Protection des
Données - Société QUICKTEXT - 64, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011 Paris.